by Dario Ficara | Apr 12, 2023 | News
Something beautiful has happened! Do you know that feeling when you read a book and recognize yourself in that story? You feel part of the story, discovering yourself behind the words, almost as if the author has researched and written about your life and feelings....
by Dario Ficara | Feb 24, 2023 | News
Beautiful things must be shared so that they become even more beautiful! We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious Slow Food Presidium “Secular Olives,” and we do so with a great deal of emotion and a slight tremble in our...
by Dario Ficara | Feb 9, 2022 | News
That they are somewhat strange, right? But in their defense, we’d say that you should definitely break bread with them. Only metaphorically, though. You wouldn’t actually break bread with them because the only way to taste olive oil (like wine) is by...
by Dario Ficara | Nov 10, 2021 | News
Let’s discover when tradition inevitably must make way for innovation. After being extracted from olives, extra virgin olive oil appears veiled and opalescent. That’s because water and solid fragments are suspended in the oil in variable quantities...
by Dario Ficara | Apr 15, 2021 | News
Extra virgin olive oil has three sworn enemies, but with our help, he can defeat them all. You read that right. Not one, not two but no less than three enemies… Like in a Sergio Leone movie! Here are the protagonists of this Spaghetti Western: Oxygen Invisible,...